Doing service of new and used machinery of WIRTGEN GROUP

یکشنبه, 24 تیر 1397 ساعت 11:47

Watgar Qeshm with having specialized capacities and experts to give services and meet the frequent need of customers in 1397, along with importing and selling new machines, offer services for the purchase and sale of used machinery too under the Warrantee of Watgar Qeshm to Buyers of all WIRTGEN GROUP machineries.

Sellers of used machines can contact Watgar Qeshm to register their application for sale of the machinery in website of this company. After technical inspection and overhauling of the machines in the central repair shop of Watgar Qeshm, the relevant information will be available in websit for applicants

Also, the buyers of used machines can register their request and get enough information of used machines which are sold at Watger Qeshm. They can be sure that the purchased used machines are under the warranty of Watgar Qeshm Company

If you would like to sell or buy used machines, it is appropriate to complete and submit the relevant form through the company's website by visiting or by fax number is on the website.

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